Explore some of nature’s exquisite birds in Solomons.
Birdwatching In the Solomon Islands
Wishing to get a glimpse of as many of the Solomon’s endemics, you may need to venture off the beaten tracks, which includes traveling in boats or small planes. Intrepid birders who are filled with the enthusiasm to explore Solomon’s unique birding destinations are up for an adventure, and are advised to be prepared as some of the treks into the interior mountains may involve hiking along challenging trails and requires a good level of fitness. These areas include the mountain of Guadalcanal, the higher altitude on Kolombangara and parts of Makira, Malaita and Isabel.
Perfect for Nature Lovers
One of the many islands in the Western Province. Gizo is the main point where birders set out from to the key birding areas of Kolombangara, Ranonga and, Vella Lavella. Gizo itself is home to Splendid White-eye. About a 20 minute drive inland from Ronggi Cove, you can find a lodge at the Imbu Rano that is purposely built with a large viewing deck perfect for nature lovers. And if you are an intrepid birding enthusiast, a journey around the island and through the inland valleys is a must to view more species.
Variety of Bird Species
The high degree of endemism includes many species found only on just one island, and these can be a mere few miles apart despite the uniqueness of their birds. Many more birds are Melanesian endemics, only found on a handful of islands in this South Seas idyll.
Areas around the capital you can find White-billed Crow, Chestnut-bellied Monarch, Duchess Lorikeet, Cardnial Lory, Yellow-bibbed Lory, Ultramarine Kingfisher, Black headed Myzomela and White-winged Fantail.The high interior mountains have Woodford’s Rail, an eponymous Boobook, Hooded whistler, San Christobal Thrush, Guadalcanal Honeyeater, Guadalcanal Thicketbird, Brown Fantail and if you are extremely lucky, the almost unknown Moustached Kingfisher.
Rennell – the largest raised atoll in the world – is home to 43 species of breeding bird. Among these are six endemics, all of which can be seen in close proximity to the airfield by walking along the logging tracks. Mount Austen has such delights as Ultramarine Kingfisher, Duchess Lorikeet and White-billed Crow among its highlights.
A visit to Santa Isabel offers the chance to see the iconic Black-faced Pitta, Fearful Owl and the Solomon Frogmouth, while Guadalcanal has Woodford’s Rail, as well as an eponymous Boobook, Moustached and Dwarf Kingfishers, Drongo, Thrush, Honeyeater and Hooded Whistler. Other major islands such as Makira, Malaita, Kolombangara, New Georgia and Santa Cruz have a similar heady array of rails, warblers, flycatchers, fantails, myzomelas, monarchs, starlings, white-eyes and flowerpeckers which can only be seen on tours across the islands.