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February 1, 2017

Pure Solomon Simplicity

Saeragi Beach is touted as the most beautiful in the Solomon Islands. A hand-made canvas sign flapping from a thatched hut tells me so. It’s hard […]
January 19, 2017

Passing Through the ‘Passage of the Trigger Fish’

The Solomon Islands is an archipelago of 992 islands in the southern Pacific Ocean, northeast of Australia between Papua New Guinea and Vanuatu. One of these […]
December 28, 2016

Solomon Islands – Giant Eagles and Pygmy Parrots

I was bewitched by Solomons Nightjars, mesmerised by Melanesian Megapodes, and transfixed by the Roviana Rail. You would be captivated, too, if you saw the amazing […]
November 30, 2016

The Tragedy of War

Approximately 42,000 Japanese and 8,000 Americans and hundreds of New Zealand, Australian and Solomon Islanders lost their lives, on land, in the air and on the […]
November 17, 2016

The Wisdom of (travelling to the) Solomon (Islands)

Romantic waterside bungalows, crystal-clear waters teeming with exotic, colorful fish, and cheerful hospitality that’s second-to-none – it’s got to be the Solomons. In 1568, Spanish explorer […]
October 19, 2016

Solomon Islands

When the great English playwright posed that question about legendary US baseball player, Babe Ruth, he did more than display his ignorance of America’s ‘Sultan of […]
October 19, 2016

Solomon Islands

An unspoilt and largely undiscovered gem of the South Pacific, life in the Solomon Islands revolves all around the ocean- and there’s plenty of it, with […]
October 14, 2016

Luxury Solomon Diving

A new dive vessel to Solomon Island waters is now taking trips to diverse dive locations. MV Taka is best known for servicing the northern Great […]
October 4, 2016

Islands Undiscovered

For a tropical paradise only a three-hour flight from Sydney, the Solomon Islands are still very much undiscovered. While Fiji – a further two hours away […]