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February 25, 2019

Five Reasons to Dive the Solomon Islands

The Solomon Islands had been next on my bucket list for several years. They appealed to me because they lie in the middle of the coral […]
February 24, 2019

Lost World

FROM THE MOMENT you step foot on the Solomon Islands, it feels as if you’ve landed at a wild frontier. The steamy equatorial nation — with […]
February 7, 2019

Why I’ll be taking my children to the Solomon Islands

As a travel writer, I spend a lot of time away from my kids, exploring different corners of the world. Sometimes, I breathe in, relax and […]
February 7, 2019

The Heroic Wildcats of Tulagi

The sea is more like soup in this part of the bay near Gavutu. It’s warm and full of ingredients. The runoff from the surrounding islands […]
February 7, 2019

Freestyle Fishing in the Solomons

I’m spending the day fishing with a tour guide and Julius Kera, owner of the Agnes Gateway Hotel and an elder of the Munda community. Floating […]
February 7, 2019

History and Heritage

The History In previous times, the Heritage Park Hotel was the site of the Governor’s residence and the grandeur befitting a person such as this still […]
February 1, 2019


Gizo is the capital of the Western Province of the Solomon Islands and is in fact the second largest town in the country. However, with a […]
January 9, 2019

Wrecks & reefs…The Solomon Islands

I had long wanted to visit the Solomon Islands since it is close to the equator and has some of the highest marine biodiversity in the […]
December 20, 2018


I ARRIVED A BIT EARLY in Munda, a town in the Solomon Islands’ Western Province. I checked into the Agnes Gateway Hotel, then walked the short […]