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October 4, 2021

Strong interest as tourism partners celebrate ‘Iumi Tugeda’ for World Tourism Day

Honiara, Solomon Islands – International visitors may be scarce in the Solomon Islands at the moment but interest in what the tourism sector achieves for the […]
September 23, 2021

Tourism Solomons mourns the loss of CEO Josefa ‘Jo’ Tuamoto

Honiara, Solomon Islands – The close-knit Solomon Islands tourism industry is in mourning following the death of Tourism Solomons CEO, Josefa ‘Jo’ Tuamoto who passed away […]
September 14, 2021

Inaugural ‘Solomons Airlines Peace Marathon’ on track for 23 October 2021

Honiara, Solomon islands – The Minister for Culture & Tourism, the Hon. Bartholomew Parapolo has officially launched the inaugural ‘Solomons Airlines Peace Marathon’ scheduled to take […]
September 3, 2021

Tourism Solomons ‘very much still here’ at Virtual PATA MART 2021

Honiara, Solomon Islands – The Solomon Islands’ international visitation may currently be at a standstill but this has not stopped Tourism Solomons and local tourism partners […]
June 6, 2021

What a load of rubbish! Solomon Islands marks World Environment Day 2021 with nine tonne litter clean-up

Honiara, Solomon Islands – Once again taking an environmental front foot in the Solomon Islands, Tourism Solomon’s ‘Green team’ has successfully marked World Environment Day 2021 joining with […]
March 1, 2021


Solomon Airlines in partnership with Tourism Solomons and the Ministry of Culture and Tourism has launched Solomon Islands largest ever domestic tourism initiative called ‘Iumi Tugeda […]
March 1, 2021

‘Iumi Tugeda Holiday Packages’ domestic bubble initiative timely lifeline for tourism industry,

Minister for Culture & Tourism (MCT), the Hon. Bartholomew Parapolo has as of  last Friday officially launched a new series of domestic travel packages aimed specifically […]
February 22, 2021

2021 Tourism in Focus summit to set direction for domestic tourism

Honiara, Solomon Islands – Tourism Solomons CEO, Josefa ‘Jo’ Tuamoto has described the Tourism in Focus’ summit taking place in Honiara on Friday, as the most […]
February 10, 2021

Tourism Solomons welcomes Australian PM’s comments on potential South Pac travel bubble

Honiara, Solomon Islands –Tourism Solomons CEO, Josefa ‘Jo’ Tuamoto has welcomed news the Australian government is now in “conversation” with several South Pacific nations regarding the […]